
Clifton C of E Primary School

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Clifton C of E Primary School

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Welcome to the Dove Valley Federation Governors' section


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Our Governors are:

Mr David Stock ~ Chair Of Governors

  • Co-opted Governor - appointed by the Governing Body
  • Chair of the Finance Committee and the Appeals Committee
  • Appointed 12th November 2020
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending November 2024
  • Subject Governor for PE
  • No business interests declared
  • e-mail


Mrs Jeanette Hart ~ Headteacher

  • Member of the Finance Committee 
  • Term of office for the Headteacher commences upon appointment and continues by virtue of the role


Mrs D Dakin ~ Staff Governor

  • Appointed 15th December 2020
  • Term of office is 4 years from appointment - ending December 2024


Mr Andrew Bailey ~ Co-opted Governor

  • Member of the Finance Committee
  • Appointed 12th November 2020
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending November 2024
  • Subject Governor for English Reading and Writing
  • Business interests - hire of Yeldersley Hall by ADVTSA      


Mr Christopher Collins ~ Vice Chair

  • Co-opted Governor
  • Member of the Appeals Committee
  • Appointed 12th November 2020
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending November 2024
  • Subject Governor for Safeguarding and Maths
  • No business interests declared


Lady P Walker-Okeover ~ Co-opted Governor

  • Member of the Discipline Committee
  • Appointed 12th November 2020
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending November 2024
  • Subject Governor for Music, Modern Foreign Languages and Mental Health & Wellbeing
  • Business interest - Osmaston Village Hall 

Mrs Anna Wilson ~ Local Authority Governor

  • Member of the Appeals Committee
  • Appointed 12th November 2020
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending November 2024
  • Subject Governor for Science and Special Educational Needs
  • No business interests declared 


Mrs Elaine Walwyn ~ Parent Governor (Osmaston)

  • Appointed 19th May 2022
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending May 2026
  • Subject Governor for Early Years, Phonics and Early Reading, Art, DT, PSHE and RSE
  • No business interests declared 


Mrs Sarah Hughes ~ Parent Governor (Clifton)

  • Appointed 19th March 2024
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending March 2028
  • Subject Governor for English
  • No business interests declared 


Ms Laura Evans ~ Co-opted Governor

  • Appointed 19th March 2024
  • Term of office is 4 years - ending March 2028
  • Subject Governor for History, Geography, PHSE & RSE
  • No business interests declared 


Miss Liz Smith ~ Clerk to Governors


Governor attendance










FGBM 01.02.2024





D Stock PresentPresentPresentPresentPresentPresent

J Hart


D Dakin

A BaileyPresentPresentPresentPresentPresentPresent
C CollinsPresentApologiesPresentPresentPresentApologies
P Walker-OkeoverPresentPresentPresentApologiesApologiesApologies
A WilsonApologiesPresentPresentApologiesApologiesApologies
E WalwynPresentPresentPresentPresentApologiesPresent
S Hughes    PresentPresent
L Evans    PresentPresent


We have spaces in some year groups. If you would like to visit the school please phone 01335 342473.