
Clifton C of E Primary School

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Clifton C of E Primary School

Home Page


We welcome visits from prospective pupils and parents. Please telephone the school office on 01335 342473 to arrange an appointment with the Executive Headteacher, Mrs. Jeanette Hart, to look around.

Is your pre-school child ready for school?

Moving/transferring schools 


It is important that parents keep the Headteacher informed when they are considering changing schools, as we have a duty to inform the Authority of any child that we believe has left our school and has not provided forwarding information on their destination and education provision. If we are unable to establish your child’s new school, we would have to refer them as a missing child to Children Missing from Education team. As a result, your child’s name may be kept on a missing register and efforts will be made to trace them. It is also important to know about the new school so that we can send on your child’s records. At the point when you have decided to change school, please ask the school office for a Pupil Exit Form. If you are concerned that the details of your destination should not be shared with anyone but the Headteacher, please discuss this with her. She will be able to ensure that access to your new address details is restricted appropriately.
