
Clifton C of E Primary School

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Clifton C of E Primary School

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Class 1 - EYFS

Class 1


Miss Firth, Mrs Leiper, Miss Foster and the children of Class 1 welcome you to our wonderful class page.

Here you will find information and photographs of how we learn, through carefully planned play. Come and take a look at our exciting learning journey! 

EYFS 2023-2024

It's time to free the froglets!

What fun we have had observing the changes of the lifecycle of the frog over the past few months as part of our life cycles learning from Spring. The process from frogspawn to froglet has certainly got not only our reception children talking, but children from across the school and has filled them with awe and wonder! 

Ocean Pollution and Recycling- July 2024

Today we read a story called 'The Under Sea Cleaning Spree' which was all about pollution in the Ocean! We learnt that pollution is harmful to our sea creatures and to our Earth and that we should take our rubbish home with us and recycle where we can! 

We sorted some items from a box into different materials to be recycled. 

Summer Maths

We have enjoyed our learning on numbers to 20 and beyond and sharing into equal groups this half term.

Special Stories for Christians- Jesus Calms the Storm

We started our new unit thinking about things that were special to us. Places, people and items. Then we thought about stories that were also special to us. Later we found out that Christians have a special book called 'The Holy Bible' which has many stories of God in it and that it is very special to Christians. We read the story of Jesus calms the storm and thought about why it might be a special story and that it might teach Christians to 'Trust in God'.

Taking phonics outdoors whilst the sun is shining!

Today we have been writing some of our tricky words outside using chalk. We enjoyed taking our learning outside.

Pirate Portraits

As part of our Seaside topic we have been finding out about Pirates from the past like Blackbeard! We painted pirate portraits! Look how scary they are! 

Just to say.... Dad, You're Grrrreat! Happy Father's Day 2024

Pirate floating and sinking

On our UTW curiosity table the children have been exploring things that float and sink! We tested lots of different seaside and pirate objects and recorded our findings. 

Communication and Language- Pirate themed show and tell!

We enjoyed listening to one another share some items from home linked to our pirate theme. The children spoke clearly about them and answered questions from the children who were listening.

Treasure maps and pirate ships

After reading the story of 'The Pirates Next Door' by Jonny Duddle, we had such fun making our own treasure maps to use in our pirate role play! We learnt lots of new pirate vocabulary too! Ahoy! 

We're off the the Seaside!

Risky play- Flower printing

The children were very sensible using hammers today to make wild flower prints. This activity was carefully modelled and adult led. The results were fantastic! 

Omar, the Bees and Me

We read the story Omar, the Bees and Me. We found out that bees are really important and that we need to help to look after them! We planted seeds and made honey cake which was fun and we enjoyed exploring the rice sensory tray. 

Snail art- Henri Matisse

Linking to our minibeast topic we learnt about the fantastic artist Henri Matisse. We read the book called 'Snail Trail' then created our own works of art! We hope you like them! 

PurpleMash minibeasts

Minibeasts, minibeasts everywhere!

Today we found out that minibeasts are 'invertebrates' and don't have a backbone! We went on a minibeast hunt in the school grounds and we found so many different kinds! For the next part of our learning we will be thinking about why the minibeasts were found in those places. What makes it a good habitat for them? 

Inspiring our young writers...

What a wonderful productive and sunny morning we’ve had at Forest School. We’ve started making a mud kitchen from pallets and a willow arch. The children loved making food for the forest animal’s picnic. 💐☀️

As part of our learning on Growing, Lifecycles and Minibeasts, we read the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. 🐛🦋 We have enjoyed lots of different activities this week in our provision helping us to learn about the butterfly life cycle. Our new word of the week is 'symmetrical'. We enjoyed looking at the symmetrical butterfly wings. 🦋


Class 1 practiced some mindfulness this week with some yoga. They all felt calm and relaxed afterwards. 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏽

Five Little Speckled Frogs! We've loved finding out about the life cycle of a frog this week and learnt a new scientific word; 'Metamorphosis' (CLL)🐸

Monster trucks and road sweepers have been on the agenda this week for our construction area enthusiasts!🚚🚒🚛🛻

We are excited about the arrival of our caterpillars this week in our investigation area. We can't wait to see how they grow and change! 🐛🦋🐛🦋🐛🦋

There's been some excellent practical maths going on this week. Reception have been finding bonds to 10 with 2 parts and 3 parts, whilst some Year 1s have been finding fact families.➕➖

Toasting Marshmallows in Forest School today 🔥


Artist Study: Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh

Purple Mash

We have now received our brand new i-pads. We learnt how to login and logout safely then we created our very own avatars to look like ourselves. After that we used the paint programme to create pictures of flowers for our Spring topic and we explored mini mash. 

Keeping healthy

We have been learning about the importance of keeping healthy in PSHE. We talked about eating a balanced diet and exercising. We carried out a science experiment to learn how important washing our hands is, and we found out that soap helps to wash the germs away. In PE we observed our heart rates before and after exercise and we had fun with a balloon manipulating it around our bodies and throwing and catching ,which we then swapped to a ball the following lesson. We also found out about how important sleep is for our health.

Independent maths learning- Doubles, Odd and Even and Measuring

World Book Day 2024

We just love reading in Class 1!

Spring on the Farm

We have noticed signs of Spring around our school. After a Spring walk we learnt about the parts of a plant and painted pictures of daffodils and other flowering plants. We found out that Spring is a time where many animals have babies. We learnt the names of farm animals and their young and we even saw a mummy sheep give birth to triplets on a visit to a local farm. 

The Easter Story

Peak Wildlife Park

Class 1 had a wonderful time at Peak Wildlife Park. We saw lots of amazing animals including the polar bear family who are new to the park. We listened to talks from the keepers about the polar bears, lemurs and wallabies. What a fantastic day we had! 

Mother's Day 2024

What a lovely service we had at Holy Trinity Church today for Mother's Day! We sang them a special song to say thank you for all that they do for us each and every day.

The Gingerbread Man- Talk for writing

We have enjoyed our Talk for Writing unit on the traditional Tale of The Gingerbread Man. We acted out the story with puppets and retold it many times using actions. Then Year 1 innovated the story by changing some of the characters and wrote a new version of the story. Reception enjoyed building bridges to help the Gingerbread Man to cross the river at the end of the story.

Chinese New Year 2024- The Year of the Dragon

What an amazing week we have had immersing ourselves in our learning about the Chinese culture and the wonderful traditions of Chinese New Year and how it is celebrated! We located China on the map and learnt about it's huge population! We looked at where Mount Everest and the Great Wall of China is and we found out about the beautiful Giant Panda and Red Panda which can be found in parts of China. We've enjoyed tasting a variety of Chinese food and deciding if we like them or not and we learnt about the traditional dragon and lion dances. Then we made our very own dragon and created a dragon dance. We have very much enjoyed the role play area as a Chinese Restaurant this week. We have been busy with painting Chinese numbers and making lanterns and dragon masks! The sand pit has had lucky red envelopes and money to dig up and we learnt the meaning behind this. 

Artist study- Joan Miró

We had such fun learning about a Spanish artist and sculpture called Joan Miró, who liked to use lines and shapes in his art work. His work was abstract and created from images and shapes from within his dreams. 

Look at our very own art work inspired by Joan Miró. We used watercolour paints for a gentle, dreamy effect and we absolutely love how every painting looks unique.

Mass and Capacity

The children couldn't wait to get stuck into their maths learning this week. We have revisited mass and capacity, but this time extending their learning further using cubes to find a balance! They also independently used Numicon pieces to find a balance too and learnt that the pieces 4 and 1 in one bucket would balance one 5 piece in the other bucket. They used their prior knowledge of composition to 5 to find other ways to balance the buckets. Very clever! 

Journeys and Transport- Past and Present

This week we are thinking about how we use transport to travel. We read a story called 'The Great Balloon Hullaballoo' which took some animals on a journey into space! 

We made hot air balloons and enjoyed exploring the space small world, using 'scientific' space vocabulary in our play. Some children independently wrote a list of different types of transport, using excellent phonic knowledge to help them to spell words! The children were keen to know more about space so we found some non fiction books to help us find out some more interesting facts. We found out about what transport was like in the past and compared it to the present day. We enjoyed talking about the old black and white pictures. In the large outdoor construction some fantastic creations were made, from cars to lorries to campervans! To finish the week we will be finding out about the life and achievements of Amelia Earhart, a female pioneer of aviation.  

Independent Maths Learning- Subitising within 5 and One More Than

Instructional writing- How to Make a Jam Sandwich

We started our new instructions writing unit today by following a sequence of instructions to make a jam sandwich. We all enjoyed eating them afterwards too! 

Bird craft

Look at our fantastic bird houses and feather quills that we made to fit in the Great British Bird Watch. 

Budding Bird Watchers!

We loved going outdoors today and using our binoculars to look for birds eating from our bird feeders! We could use our tick list to name some of the garden birds and listened for the different bird sounds. 

The Big Garden Bird Watch 2024

What a super week we've had learning all about British garden birds. We made bird feeders to hang in our school grounds, for us to observe the birds this week and we also enjoyed a variety of bird related provision. The children have made birds with loose parts and bird houses with large outdoor construction, they've enjoyed collaging and crafting, drawing birds and using oil pastels to colour. 

Maths- 4 sided shapes

We created some lovely art work in the style of Piet Mondrian for our work on 4 sided shapes. 

Journeys- The Polar Regions

We couldn't have asked for better weather to kick start our new topic 'Journeys'. We located the Arctic and Antarctica on the world map and learnt about what life is like there. We looked at a variety of animals and how they are adapted to survive in the cold including how many camouflage against the snow. The children learnt some incredible facts about the animals and have learnt that penguins live in the South Pole! The children thought about the clothing and items they would need to take to these places to keep warm and built a large scale aeroplane in the loose construction outdoors! We enjoyed smashing the ice in the water tray to free the sea creatures and talked about how cold and slippery it was and how our warm hands melt it! Painting icy pictures on the shiny foil was popular and we snuggled up in our igloo reading tent to look at fiction and non- fiction books.

Maths- Composition of 4 and 5 Independent learning

Noah's Ark

This half term our Christian Value is Perseverance. We read the story of Noah's Ark and talked about how Noah had persevered to build the ark as God had asked. The children shared their thoughts on challenges that they had faced before and considered how they had persevered to reach an end goal. They enjoyed building a large scale ark outdoors, making boats and testing them on the school pond to see if they float or sink. 

Christmas Performance- 2023 Nativity in the Making

Maths- Circles and Triangles

In maths we have been learning about circles and triangles. We enjoyed spotting these shapes in the environment, looking at their properties and painting circles and triangles in the style of Wassily Kandinsky.  

Santa's Workshop

The children have enjoyed being Santa's elves in the workshop this week. They've wrapped presents, written labels and delivered gifts!  

Faces of Advent 05.12.23

Thank you to Ashbourne Methodist Church for inviting us to see the 'Faces of Advent'. We enjoyed listening to the Christmas story, making Christmas biscuits and taking part in other festive crafts. 

Christmas stained glass decorations

CVC writing

Jackson Pollock Art

Frosty Forest School 29.11.23

The children enjoyed helping to tidy the school grounds of leaves today. They had fun making angel shapes on the frosty field, followed by hot chocolate and biscuits to warm up. 

Light and Dark- Shadow Puppets

The children made shadow puppets of nocturnal animals this week as part of our Light and Dark topic. 

Weight- independent learning

It's fantastic how our children take what they have learnt and apply it independently in provision activities. They enjoyed exploring which objects were heavier and lighter and trying to make the scales balance. They were excellent at using new vocabulary to talk with their friends about what was happening.

Light and Dark- Festivals and Celebrations: Diwali

The children have enjoyed reading the story of Rama and Sita. They have made Rangoli patterns with colourful loose parts and foam shapes, Diwali lamps from clay and enjoyed retelling the story in the small world area.

Awe and Wonder- Cobweb spotting!

On our way to forest school today the children began to notice seasonal changes. They found some interesting cobwebs in the fields. 

Children in Need 2023

We had a fantastic day raising money for Children in need and taking part in lots of lovely activities. 

Seasonal changes- Autumn

This week we have been thinking about the changes that are happening around us at this time of year. We made leaf shapes biscuits and thought about our choice of colour, we created some lovely pumpkin art work, hammered golf tees into pumpkins to strengthen our fingers, made conker soup in the gloop tray, explored repeating patterns and made leaves from clay. What a fun filled, busy week!

Ploughing Match 04.10.23

Parachute Games in PE

Our Family Tree

At forest school today the children thought about their history and made a family tree using twigs they collected at forest school. Then they enjoyed playing at the park.

Houses and Homes

We have been finding out about different homes in the local area. Look at our beautiful DT work. 

Our Local Area Walk

We've been learning about our local area and where we live as part of our 'Marvellous Me' topic. We enjoyed a village walk to see what we could find. Then we went back to school and made maps of Clifton village. We are really proud of them.

'Marvellous Me'- Nature Faces at Forest School- September 2023

Reception Buddies

Today the children met their special Clifton buddy who will help them settle into school. Their buddies will be there to help them at break and lunch times and during worship at the Holy Trinity Church.  

Forest School Fun 26.09.23

Class 1 Super Stars! What a fantastic first week we have had settling into new routines in Class 1.

Welcome back! 2023-2024 The classroom is ready and we can't wait to see you! We hope you've had a lovely Summer.

We had some very hungry caterpillars in Class 1 today!

January 2023- Hedgehog Visit

December 2022- Christmas Baking!

December 2022- Christmas Stockings- Impressive sewing skills Class 1!

December 2022- Our Class Super Stars- The Lost Angel

November 2022- Class 1 enjoyed a visit to Ashbourne Methodist Church to observe their Advent Displays and follow The Christmas Story.

We have spaces in some year groups. If you would like to visit the school please phone 01335 342473.