
Clifton C of E Primary School

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Clifton C of E Primary School

Home Page

Class 3 - Years 3 & 4

Class 3


Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Oxspring, Mrs. Chell and the children of Class 3 welcome you to our class page.

We use this page to share our fun and exciting learning journey! 

Here's where you'll find class information and photos of what we've been up to.


Forest School & Swimming 2024-2025

The Year 4 Multiplication Check will be administrated between Monday 2nd June and Friday 13th June 2025.

Class 3- 2024-2025

KS2 Faith Trail Trip- The Open Centre Derby- we visited the Hindu Temple, Mosque and Sikh Gurdwara and learnt lots about different faiths and cultures.

We love Maths!

Brailsford's Annual Ploughing Match - October 2024- Alkmonton

Rocks, Fossils and Soils- some of our pupils kindly brought some fossils into school for everyone to see!

Class 3- 2023-2024

Forest School- Summer 2024

Tudor Day- with our very own visiting Henry VIII

More Sonia Delaunay Art...

Tudor Houses and Biscuits

Forest School- Summer 2024

Science- The Digestive System: today we modelled the process of how food turns into poo; as you'd expect, they thoroughly enjoyed this experiment!

Our 'Artist Focus' this term is Sonia Delaunay- the children used the poem 'The Railway Carriage' to inspire their motion art.

In Science we have been investigating how sound travels through different materials and what happens to sound the further away it gets.

Purple Mash- our new Computing Scheme on our new IPads

Volcano Art- April 2024- Kicking off our Volcanoes Topic!

Severn Trent Workshop- March 2024

Forest School- Spring 2024

Farm Visit- March 2024

DT Textiles Project- Sewing Pencil Cases

Christmas Cards

Salt Dough Christmas Decorations

Science- What Speeds Up Evaporation?

Clay Rooms Visit- November 2023- Class 3 enjoyed making clay snowmen

Brailsford Ploughing Match- October 2023

Melting and Cooling- September 2023
